LIQuID 5 is a thrilling sci-fi, action adventure that follows five women who gain extraordinary abilities after inhaling a mysterious chemical cloud. The 5 professional Long Island women, know each other through their book club and find themselves in the center of a conspiracy involving a dangerous fertilizer. As they use their new abilities to expose the truth, they face various challenges and dangers from corrupt politicians, greedy businessmen, and ruthless enemies.
Patricia Ruth delivers a fast-paced and engaging story that explores the topics of friendship, empowerment, ethics, and environmentalism. The characters are well-developed and relatable, each with their own personality, backstory, and motivation. The plot is full of twists and turns, which kept me reading until the end. The story flows with wit and humor, clever dialogue and descriptions.
For those who enjoy sci-fi, mystery, or action, LIQuID 5 is fun and exciting to read. The novel celebrates the power of women and the importance of protecting the environment. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good adventure with a dose of humor and social commentary.
Terri S. | A Good Read